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Old 07-12-2011, 11:41 PM   #152 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by ecofreak View Post
Would Tyvek be a good candidate for covering the aerocap?
I suppose it could work. I could not find very much on the DuPont website saying if the liquid form of Tyvek was compatible with styrofoam, but there were other building-related websites that basically stated that this liquid Tyvek was compatible. However, I'd do some testing first.

I now have a (mostly) light blue aerocap. The skin's much stiffer, too. As you can see, I've filled in that huge gap between the cap and the cab rear.

More FE results, too:

To work: 59 miles / 3.05 gallons = 19.3 MPG
To home: 59.2 miles / 3.10 gallons = 19.1 MPG
Combined: 118.2 miles / 6.15 gallons = 19.2 MPG

To work: 59 miles / 2.76 gallons = 21.4 MPG
To home: 59.2 miles / 2.85 gallons = 20.8 MPG
Combined: 118.2 / 5.61 gallons = 21.1 MPG

It's about a 9% decrease in fuel consumption, or almost a 10% improvement in FE.
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The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to t vago For This Useful Post:
BamZipPow (07-13-2011), ChazInMT (07-13-2011), jime57 (07-13-2011), KamperBob (07-13-2011), MetroMPG (07-13-2011), nj trucker (07-13-2011), slowmover (07-13-2011)