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Other vehicles 1
renault vesta 2
146-mpg at 63-mph Cd 0.19
Chevy Cavalier has some of the right stuff
smoke trace shows clean lines of GM concept car
aero mpg for travel trailers
1950s Citroen DS 19. Cd 0.31
Leave enough aerospace guys alone long enough and they'll build a car. SAAB 96, 1950s.
We didn't get nuclear drivetrain or aero
Magazine ad for Jaray-inspired Adler
Czechoslovakia goes with the Jaray form.
No venture capitalists came forward to finance.Died on the vine
Mussolini and Hitler's Autostrada and autobahn allow for faster than ever highway speeds.Paul Jaray's forms are ready.
Aerodynamic drag on command! Parachutes are a good drag source slowing from 300 miles per hour
Typical automobile rips the atmosphere a new one,with three times the drag as is necessary
Dusty road gives away pickups massive wake,otherwise unseen outside the windtunnel
peterbuilt modded transport
transport drag reduction plates 2
transport drag reduction plates
transport prototype 2
aero truck
Plan-view: Oldsmobile Aerotech land speed record car,circa 1987 (note boattailing)
penske low drag 18 wheeler
transport prototype
Windtunnel smoke trace : HONDA Insight hybrid

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