Agh! My Cavalier is fourth from the bottom. I don't know whether to make a smart alec comment, or feel sick. Ok, I'll do both.
I"m gonna look for another Pinto, despite the exploding gas tanks. They're not even on the list.
On the feeling-sick side, that gives another point of view on my choice of a Civic or VW diesel for my next car.
The Cavalier and Sunfire are the same car, just rebadged. It makes me wonder if the "sporty" Sunfire attracts younger drivers who like to drive recklessly, I mean sportier. Hmmm, I drive the boring Cav. My 17yo nephew drives the sporty Sunfire.
Trebuchet, I also notice the worst 10 are *all* US models. Is this an international conspiracy to punish us for our patriotism, or just a stupidity tax on buying poorly made cars?