If you're looking for an 8mpg gain and only want to spend approx. $40 to do so the biggest mpg gain can be found in your right foot and right hand (foot light on the pedal and hand on the shift ready for neutral pulse and glide).
Since you have time before your trip it's time to practice extreme pulse and glide and conservative acceleration off the blocks. Time every stop light you can so you're in constant motion, neutral coast as much as possible, securely affix pizza pan/coroplast wheel covers, fill undertray gaps with free salvaged material and psi has to be at least 36 if you're rated for 36 in your current tires. Keep highway speeds around 57 mph (or 70 to 50 coast down if you're using P&G), draft the rigs carefully, antenna delete (listen to cd's), windows up to maximize aero (and as little a/c as possible...or...with a/c off turn air to coolest setting and just run fresh air).
In total, these mods cost about $5. I'm guessing you will not be behind the wheel for the entire 3000 miles so you had better get the additional drivers on-board as well or your hard work will be wasted when they take the wheel. You'll have weather on your side since you'll be traveling in the summer. Good luck bro!