Registering a car based reverse trike in CA
I'm considering making a Civic or Del Sol into a reverse trike. I believe this will make it classified as a motorcycle, because the 1500 lb. weight limit for three wheel "motorcycles" was recently lifted. My understanding is that this was done to make it possible to register three wheeled vehicles as HOV's, allowing them to use the carpool lane. The Honda I use will probably be a 1992 to 1998. The CA legislature is about to vote (or may have already voted), on a law that would require smog checks on 2000 or newer motorcycles. I'm assuming it will eventually pass. If I take a 92-98 Honda and make it into an RT, will the year of the vehicle be changed to 2009 or whenever I register it? One of the reasons for undertaking this project was to end up with a smog exempt vehicle. Anyone know about this?