Originally Posted by SteveU
Well put Roger. I was worried that my comments would appear critical ... I should keep my ideas to myself ... Ask your controller experts if rewiring the motor to bring out the field coil separately could be useful, both for improved speed and torque control, and for regenerative braking.
Way cool stuff guys,
SteveU, I don't want you to think I thought you were being critical at all. We just have to be easy on Paul, so that he don't get stressed out and beat one of those smartmouth kids like a red-headed stepchild, and lose his day job... at least until he can start making more money doing other things, anyway!
PLEASE do NOT keep your ideas to yourself. You already sound like you have more experience with electronics than a lot of folks. We have a small handful of experienced people who have found this thread, and have been great help in the design of a controller that could help make electric cars for the common man affordable. One more helper will just help to make sure it gets done right!
Me, I'm just hoping I can get a version of Paul's controller that I can solder or bolt together without screwing something up...
When you ask about separating the field coil, are you thinking of field weakening? I have heard the Citi/Commuta-cars do that, and believe that there is a thread mentioned earlier about building motors, where such things would sure help folks like me understand what's going on...