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Old 04-29-2009, 12:30 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jamesqf View Post
Maybe the DMV doesn't know either? If I was doing it, I'd just keep the car registered as a car. So what if it has a bit of custom bodywork, at what point does it become fundamentally different from the kid who jacks up the suspension on his pickup? You'd be keeping the same engine & drivetrain, no? Keep the part of the body that has the VIN on it too, and logically you should be set.

I don't live in California, but here you just take the car to a smog check place every year, they plug in the OBDII connector & check the VIN, and the rest of a registration renewal can be done on-line. One year I even had my neighbor take the car for the check, and did the rest while I was at work - in Switzerland.
Good points but I specifically want to avoid smog checks. I hate them. Iv'e failed many a smog check in my day (then, again, I've owned 120+ vehicles in the last 29 years). I haven't done one for over 8 years because I drive diesels or pre-1976 vehicles. CA recently changed the law so that 1998 and newer diesels will start testing next year and 2000 and newer MC's seem to be next.

This is what I drive to work. It is a 1974 Honda Civic body on a shortened RT4WD 1989 Honda Wagon chassis. JDM D15B, OBD1, smog exempt. I've put 90K miles on it since I converted it. Used to get 30-32 mpg with the OBD0 d16a6 but now gets only 25-27. Obviously I don't really have it working right yet on OBD1.

You can see this and other wierd conversions at

But, back to my question. Does anyone know what year will be assigned to a car that is converted to a trike in CA?

Last edited by Carwhisperer; 04-29-2009 at 12:56 PM..
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