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Old 04-29-2009, 08:52 PM   #26 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Cookeville, TN
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You need to find yourself a motorcycle with a deed of certified destruction(I'm not making that up), drop some of its parts in whatever you want and take the old VIN with you.

Its registered as the old motorcycle after you pass inspection, or its registered as a special case vehicle.

Either way you had better be the first person in line at your DMV on Jan 1st period. Anything less and you are probably screwed. Because as I read it if the inspector doesn't think it has "sufficient"(what the hell does that mean?) semblance(I'm assuming it means mechanically here since painting a car makes it look pretty radically different and thats not a special case) then it gets smacked with this years model year for all purposes.

So you have 2 options.

1.) move out of California(In TN kit/home-made/modified/whatever don't have to meet any regulations period other than the federal maximum volume limit for engine operation at 90 odd decibels(subway ambient noise))

2.) be the first guy into the DMV when they open(research to see who opens earliest on monday, it will be worth the drive to guarantee you get one of the first 10 certificates)
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