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Old 04-30-2009, 01:58 AM   #84 (permalink)
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The Miata - '01 Mazda MX-5 Miata
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I continue to challenge Argonne for their GREET model which continues to deny the Second Law of Thermo, that is, they keep it in their model that electric energy is equivalent to heat energy, leading people to ignore the heat engine effect for conversion of heat to electric energy. This has to get fixed since they are a key national authority.
What unit of energy would you prefer using for comparing any type of energy?

Energy is energy... there may not be clear agreement on energy content... but it's still energy... thermal energy is energy.... electrical energy is energy.... chemical energy is energy.... radiant energy is energy... etc.

Now if radiant energy isn't the same as thermal energy... Well, I should just go burn my heat transfer books - it's got all sorts of stuff where radiant and thermal are simply added together using the same units!

The only difference... electrical, thermal and radiant are kinetic while chemical energy is potential. And hell, EV's have chemical energy storage just like an ICE powered car. Now when kinetic E stops having an equivalence to potential E (such as saying chemical energy != electric energy+...) - we can't even get to the second law of thermo because we've violated the first.

It's not the physics... It's the metric
Cars have not created a new problem. They merely made more urgent the necessity to solve existing ones.
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