Originally Posted by roflwaffle
That's true, and at the same time it isn't truthful to ignore or trivialize the energy needed to extract, refine, and transport oil/gasoline. Very few look at well to wheels efficiency, or even mention that with a PV setup or something similar the efficiency of electricity generation is something of a moot point.
I don't think it is trivial (I think I posted a link to the refinery consumption figures the other day)... But in context of comparing one car to another... It isn't particularly useful - especially when attempting to attract more drivers towards better driving habits.
I'm with dcb's motion

Because to what end? Can the next discussion be on a conversion factor for motorcycles because they use less tires and therefore there's less tire manufacturing cost/pollution/recycling? It's not that I don't enjoy the discussion (I do) - it's just that every page adds another nuance in the chain