LED spotlights
After building a new padio and getting the patio furniture. I decided to replace the two 100 Watt incandescent spotlight bulbs on the back of the house. I don't like cfls for exterior use because they take a while to warm up or don't work on cold days. So, I bought two 5 watt LED spotlight bulbs for $14 each at Costco. According to the packaging, each bulb will save us $136 per year. I am not sure that I agree with that number since my spreadsheet only calculates it at $46 per bulb per year (a 4 month payback). I really like the LEDs. They are brighter than the incandescent that were on the house and after adjusting them to point at the patio table, they don't blind us when we are looking at the person diagonally across from us. Hopefully, they will live up to their life expectancy of 10 yrs.