Does Exhaust Noise Play a Role in Fuel Economy?
This has been bugging me for a long time. Does the amount of noise your car/truck make effect your fuel economy? I just installed a glasspack on my truck so it's louder now..
One thought is the energy. A lounder exhaust would me energy is wasted as sound, right?
My other argument is that a louder exhaust generally means a free-er flowing exhaust, which means more power. How does this translate to fuel economy?
It seems to me like a more restrictive, quieter exhaust would yeild better fuel economy. But that's just me.
Take spud guns for example, they are my other hobby. When you design a gun, you need to make the chamber and barrell the right size to have the right ratio and most efficent shot. A rant in a sentece, too short of a barrell means energy is wasted as sound and too long of a barrell means energy is wasted as friction from the potato and barrell after all the fuel is burned. You need the right balance of long-ness to use all the energy of the fuel but it can't be too long or energy will be wsted as friction.
What I'm getting at is if there is a balance of exhaust sound for optimum fuel efficiency. Can your exhaust be too long or short,, or too loud or quiet...