Gas has about a 6 month shelf life, ethenal has a 2 month shelf life when mixed with gas, it will slowly loose it's octane rating as it ages and the volatile part evaporates, it will also condense the water out of the air and filling the tank up all the way will help with both of these problems.
If you are going to let it sit more then 6 months I feel that changing the oil first is a good idea, gets the sludge out, acids that have developed from the oil braking down are removed and it leaves you with a clean lube when you go to start it up.
I feel that starting it up and driving it that 10 miles every other month is a good idea, that way the valve springs don't get compressed, the battery stays charged, mouse traps are a must, if you park it outside get a solar battery maintainer and the battery will last many years paying for the solar panel in the first year.
also if you park it outside cover the windshild, remove the wiper blades, put a mouse trap inside and even covering the tires can be a good idea, if it's in side crack a window.