Plug the tailpipe maybe as well. Critters have been known to get into engines that way. Tires depend. My wagon has been sitting for almost 4 years and the tires still have enough air to get to the gas station nearby. Of course, they'll be like driving on squares from the flat spots, but the tires are pretty worn anyway and I intend to replace them. Definitely put the battery on a trickle charger or at least take it out and put it on wood (concrete or metal drains it quicker) and, if it's going to sit and you want the tires to survive, put the car up on stands. Stabilize the fuel, as mentioned. If you're talking years, it kind of depends on the car. Some cars hate to sit and the brakes and clutches seize, seals all dry up, electrical issues develop. Others, you throw in a battery, hit it with some starter fluid, and you're good to go. I can tell you old Datsun Zs are closer to the former group.