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Old 05-04-2009, 10:45 PM   #74 (permalink)
Cogito ergo soy
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Location: Sterling, MA
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I've heard back from Bob Gillespie. My result was not admitted as it was considered a possible calculating error. It was too far (4x) above expectations for the car's EPA ranking. My (and their) calculated mileage was a good 50% above even what I'd have expected based on prior competitions, so something was up.
It was a good course, and I had a local Penn Yan resident familiar with the roads and terrain providing advance notice of hills and descents to allow better driving, but that isn't worth 50% improvement over my best ever.

I had passed the Vespa pair early on to get consistently up to 40+ mph. My automatic transmission controller won't allow 5th gear operation until above 1200 rpm or 40 mph. 5th at 42 is a good 10% better economy than 4th at 40 according to the on board instantaneous MPG display.

I did get 45+ mpg over 400 miles in a rental Breeze (automatic and 2.0, a Neon 'Plus') when I was considering buying one back in 1997. If I knew then what I know now, maybe 50+ would have been possible.

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