Originally Posted by basjoos
Aeromodding to improve mileage is MUCH less expensive than hybridizing to improve mileage and is especially effective if most of your driving is on the highway (but I can still get 55mpg around town with a moderate amount of hypermiling). If this recession/depression continues for very long, a lot of folks might not be able or willing to pay the higher prices for a hybrid.
It's funny.A number of years ago,Mazda was able to do a new car product- cycle in 36-months.MITI,asked Mazda to please stretch that to 48-months,as a favor to the competition.------- Recently,because of all the virtual reality design tools available to automotive engineers,a new car can go from computer to assembly line in as little as 18-months.------ Since all auto makers do cosmetic annual styling changes,and major facelifts at around 4-year increments,they're already "blowing" the capital necessary to bring an 80-mpg(HWY) car to market,leaving the platform and powertrain intact,and only altering what is "seen" above the beltline.------ With traffic light synchronization,ALL vehicles achieve BETTER urban mpg than "hybrids",as there is no energy to recover,as it's not being WASTED at traffic lights.------ No fancy technology.No fancy price tag.But maybe that's exactly what they are afraid of most?----------- And did you hear the one about the new traffic lights for aircraft,and ships,and trains,and elevators,and submarines,and rivers,and lawnmowers,an-------------------