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Old 05-10-2009, 03:49 PM   #37 (permalink)
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As Before (Interesting)

Still not to scientific, but interesting.
(Ceramic Bearings for Catrike Front Hubs)
Ceramic Bearings for Catrike Front Hubs | Bicycle Technology and Patents

My experience (Bob’s) with ceramics has been that they make a 2-3 mph difference in my riding. I found a roll out hill with a straightaway below it, and I coasted my trike on the test track before and after installing ceramic front bearings. Over about a 300 yard run, the trike went 40 paces (120 feet) further with the ceramics. On all the “go fast” sections of my regular route to work, over the next week I set new personal best times on every section, by about 3 mph. On one section, the new speed ability made me try to complete a 6 block section at speeds above 20 mph. I was successful at that. My usual speed over that route is more like 17, and on some areas I usually drop down to 13 or so.

Bruce says the bearings will get better after 200 miles of run in, so I’ll retest them later.
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