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Old 05-10-2009, 08:31 PM   #1 (permalink)
EcoModding Punk
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rear diffuser build thread

Hey guys.

I am planning to build a rear diffuser for my car this summer. I want it to end up looking something like what you see inside the red box here:

Before you have anything to say about how effective a diffuser will actually be, I am planning to supplement it with underbelly trays, and if that still isnt good enough for you.. well then shhh.

The race car guys seem to think that much more than 7 degrees is too much, for the slower commuters, it seems like 10 degrees is more suitable for freeway speeds.

They are usually talking about cross sectional stuff, in my case the top surface of the diffuser itself is going to be level with the ground and the fins will provide the diffusing action. Hopefully you can bear with my microsoft paint skills and help me out with this. I mocked up an exaggerated top view drawing of the idea I have, but I don't know what these angles should be.

What do you think?

*edit, I noticed I did not specify how long this thing is going to be, I have available the space directly behind the rear control arms, to the edge of the rear bumper. Basically almost the length of the trunk.


Last edited by LeanBurninating; 05-11-2009 at 01:08 AM..
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