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Old 05-12-2009, 04:16 PM   #8 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
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I don't have exact figures, but I recon that if ryland can go 40 with that motor, that IF you can cut your cdA (Coefficient of drag * frontal area) to half that of the citicar then you can do about 60 (assuming batteries and controller are up to it) using just sprockets (no trans maybe), but you have to use an overall ratio that is %50 greater than rylands.

If you also cut the overall weight in half for that same amount of power, your acceleration (i.e. 0 to 60) will double (how is that LiFE GB coming?).

Though it might be fun to try the two motors parallel serial shifting controller trick like the killacycle and white zombie do. So maybe design it so you can add a second motor or two wheel drive later?

Last edited by dcb; 05-13-2009 at 04:10 PM.. Reason: removed tesla reference, not serial
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