Here's my situation. I'm helping my family build out an office.
My parent's home has a cabana house connected to the main house. My parents want to convert it into an office for their business and it
needs air conditioning.
The main house's a/c is too small to add more volume....
I'm looking for air conditioner alternatives to be used either in replacement or in tandem. They're currently thinking about installing a ductless system.
Any ideas on what's currently commercially available?
Area Stats:
10'x15' main area with 9' ceiling plus,
10'x4.5' closet-like space
That's about 1755 cubic feet of volume with a 10 foot long sliding glass wall facing east (poorly insulated - working on a solution for that) with a south wall that's shared with the rest of the house.
*The house is in South Florida with high humidity
Thanks Everyone