I had a set up where an Arduino would sample the system voltage and the intent was to either adjust the gas motor throttle with a servo, and/or to use a relay to switch the gas motor and dc motor off, shutting off the series hybrid range extender. However my weedwhacker motor and low output dc motor never really threatened to overcharge the batteries. If I had a more powerful system, some type of control would have been necessary.
As it was, I just ran the incredibly loud weedwhacker motor with an inadequate muffler at high rpms all the time, which tended to frighten women and children.
Lead acid batteries can take a lot of short term abuse. They only get overcharged when you are stopped. When the throttle is on, the drive motor is dropping the voltage enough so that the batteries are not getting overcharged anymore. It would be nice to have a system that would stop the gas motor when you are coasting or at a stop.