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Old 05-14-2009, 08:33 AM   #1229 (permalink)
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We've got one of those machines at my work, but we're not quite so hardcore. I think it is only a few hundred parts per minute and we manually load them and manually take them out to put in the oven. Before the pnp is the solder screen machine, it lines up the board, drops a stensil on it and squeegees liquid solder over the board. That leaves solder perfectly placed on all the tiny SM pads ready for pick'n'place.

I'm glad that you have been reading up on new technology. Lets be honest, you hacked this controller together using some VERY basic hobbiest parts. Going up to a chip with 6 highly configurable PWM lines is a major step towards professionalism, Paul. Good work.

Do you even need to worry about EMI? This thing is pretty low frequency. 16kHz switching and a 3krpm motor? I can't see that interfering with much.
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