I liked the Rav4 trailer...and I was kinda impressed with the amount of effort others have already gone into for extending the range of their EV's... The VW hybrid pushtrailers were pretty cool, but IMHO you're still being pushed...which doesn't work for a motorcycle trailer as well, but others have done that anyway and it seems to be awesome. I happen to have already read quite a bit (like last year or before that) about a few slightly different generator technologies...using microturbines. The ones that started me reading about them aren't due out yet, or very soon...but they're also smaller than what you're after...but there are fairly decently sized microturbines for RC airplanes on the market. I'm still looking for an alternator around that can run at those rpms, because that's where the juice comes from in flight with the airlines! 30,000 rpms is a lot...but hooked up to a reasonable alternator directly would be a LOT of power, and if that doesn't work (seriously, I'm not going to hand-wind that or try to shove one in myself unless it's rated for it, and I'm still looking) it's also possible to use it for a steam generator, in which case whichever "hobbyist" turbine you find with the lowest exhaust temp is probably going to be the best bet...and nobody makes mufflers for turbines that small atm lol! Just my idea.
Last edited by wolfraven; 05-14-2009 at 11:27 PM..