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Old 05-15-2009, 05:18 PM   #5 (permalink)
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Crash protection

As I've experienced & have read that the vast majority of vehicular accidents/crashes have been weather/road conditions related. I've unexpectedly spun on iced-over bridges in the wintertime, Landmine-like pothole avoidance & even direct hits have caused uncontrollable consequences. Invisible nighttime black ice caused unintended slides. These things happened in pre-ABS, pre- stability control, pre-traction control & pre-front/side airbag years. I remember these additions were fought off by many car manufacturers as being superfluous & expensive. Only the health/medical/insurance costs and foreign car competition implementation, did they become mandated for customers' safety expectations. The rebirth of the remaining national auto manufacturers would depend on the car buyers' perception that the cars they are producing have the most ego-satisfying, safety, economy, & value for their hard-earned money.
So even if you take out all the 'bad' drivers sharing our road, without these contemporary safety features, you still have a great chance of getting into one. Zen out & have a safe weekend.
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