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Old 05-17-2009, 12:06 PM   #16 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Filtered water for your coolant? You must pamper your car. I drop the hose into the coolant tank and turn it on lol for summer.

If you are going 100% water you want regular tap water. The amount of particulate matter that might be hard on the pump is small and pumps are pretty sturdy. Also it will slightly raise the boiling temperature of the water which would be a definite plus since your temps seem to run close to boiling anyway.

I'd recommend 90% water and 10% anti-freeze for two reasons. If you EOC and the water can't dissipate the heat its all going to boil off in the engine and the incoming water when you start back up will boil off for several seconds, which will radically drop engine temps on the water intake side, but the other side of the block is not getting any attention. Second, if you run high temps eventually the water will boil off but with some anti-freeze it lasts longer.

If you really want to(and you have a large resevoir for coolant) you could run 100% water and check it every 3 days or so.

With temps up above 200 at 50F it might be adviseable to drop any grill blocking(not your air dam but anything covering the grill at all). With straight water your radiator is going to dump more heat coming into the engine bay anyway. You IATs nothing else changed will be higher with water coolant because just as it picks up heat faster it can dump it faster as well. You might see lower IATs but avoiding high temps is important.

Most of the components have a tolerance of only about 1/1000 of an inch for their operating room and it doesn't take an enormous amount of heat to get them to expand past that. Besides the fans coming on will cancel out any grill blocking as they are draining around 1/5 of a HP.
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