I realize i should be getting better than 24mpg and i used to get somewhere in the 30's (i got 38mpg when i took a trip to florida in november) but ever since my o2 sensor went bad my FE has dropped a lot, also i need to stop by the gas station and air up my tires a bit ive noticed they have gotten a bit low... Im not really too concerned about my cars HP because its a daily driver but i dont want to turn that thing into a commenly reffered "Del Slow" if i do a full tansmition swap i would fall out of VTEC and i made a point of getting a Del Sol with a VTEC because i wanted the the one with a little extra power. I think if i have the VTEC i might as well keep it a VTEC. You all probably think im being nieve or something because i make it seem like i want the perfect balance of FE and HP, but thats not really how it is i just dont see the point in having the bigger VTEC engine and then taking away the whole purpose of the VTEC. I know, i know im complicated i get that a LOT. I understand that it may be easier to do a full tranny swap but my friend and i have plenty of time on our hands and we dont mind doing something productive with that time, so i think i might end up being complicated and do a 5th gear swap with a taller one, but still havent quite decided yet. Either way i go ill still need money so ill have to wait for my paycheck from the army (takes forever sometimes, working on straightening out my direct deposit) so for now im just doing little cheap projects. Today i put a temporary cardboard grill block on that i spay painted black. Ill admit it doesnt look very good but i hope it will do a little for my FE
Oh and btw thanks everybody for all the advice and input