I have an AMD Phenom Tri-core 2.6 GHz with 2GB ram,250 GB SATA box with rest of the stuff old as dirt. (have been using the same monitor for ~8+ years). Wanted to switch to Linux so as to avoid the pesky virus problems and constant fear of catching something bad. (no one in this part of the world uses a licensed OS for home use). So downloaded a kubuntu iso, struggled with the broadband settings till I got them right, and when I did get it right, the OS pretty much took care of itself. I am on Jaunty 9.04 now, with whatever the auto-upgrade chooses to download and upgrade as it pleases.
I have hardly thought of the OS since last 15 months, i.e. since I switched, and could get the OS auto upgrade. I see the support structure behind the ubuntu class of OS flavors as the man driver for its success and universal acceptance. In India, one never tires of appreciating the 'free CD shipment' feature of Ubuntu, as organized SW products have been always seen as an exploitative business here in India.