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Old 05-20-2009, 04:07 PM   #5 (permalink)
Electric Frenzy
EcoModding Apprentice
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Birmingham, AL
Posts: 113
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My thinking was that we'd have a large discussion about several factors and decide on the vehicle type:

already produced or built from scratch?
3 wheel or 4 wheel? (no 2 wheels due to less people able to drive)
electric, gas, diesel, etc??
solo or mutli-passenger?

After choosing the critical bits of info we'd start the design phase and vote on the outcome (hey it works for american idol).

Once we have a design we'd get some CAD plans in place and start the fabrication process of the chassis (if needed) while someone starts the body work (again if needed). While this is going on another group could work on the powertrain assembly and parts gathering so that once the chassis is ready we can start installing it all.

This is a tall order, I know, but I fell it can be done with the dedicated people we have here. People could volunteer to help tow the vehicle from one point to another pick up point somewhere else. It's a great way to help out and meet some other members not in your area. I wouldn't mind driving from AL to GA, TN, MS, AK, FL, etc to pick up a vehicle and deliver it to another area for someone else to work on it. I actually like that sort of 'adventure". We could take pictures of all the places the vehicle went to display in a scrapbook or website chronicling the build process.

The vehicle would/could be driven by anyone that wants to drive it. Think of it is a learning tool. If it's staying with you for a week before being sent to someone else take it out as much as possible and let friends/neighbors ride in it. This can be much more than a fun toy. It can be a "nagare"....the first arrow shot into battle sent to signal the start of a war.
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