We first headed south out of town, 35-40mph speed limit. Traffic was not overly busy. Then 50 mph limit for 70% of the route with a few towns thrown in where 30mph was max. Of those 70% about 30% were on narrower winding backroads. The last section was through town 25-30 mph.
We were holding up traffic so badly at one point that P&G became unsafe. Drivers following were too aggressive. I decided to stop for a few minutes and let the line of cars following - about 10 of them - pass. Not that there was a solid line between lanes, no... my wife says that passing on two-lane roads isn't taught in driver's ed - is that correct? It was mandatory in my course in Austria - where passing isn't necessarily a sign of impatience like in my area... Oh - have I let this response turn into a rant?