Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
ON a side note, have you tried to super gently go up a hill with a gas car, at maybe 0.1 miles per hour? It's really jerky! I tried it a couple days ago! How come it has to be so dang fancy with an electric car!
The answer is: because it CAN. ICE can't because of extremely LOW torque at LOW RPMs. While an EV has ALL the torque at LOW RPMs, so it can creep stealthily up the steepest hills smooooooothly.
On another note, you guys are finally coming around to selectable acceleration response modes. Remember Granny to Grand Prix?. Just add another pin read to an external pot and you have a dynamic selectable sliding scale for accelerator response. The knob on the pot can go from 1 to 10 (or 1 to eleven if you are a fan of Spinal Tap), or Granny to Grand Prix.
Way to go Paul!!!!!!!!