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Old 05-23-2009, 06:48 PM   #10 (permalink)
EcoModding Punk
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Location: Bay Area, CA
Posts: 131

Honduh Power - '98 Honda Civic HX
90 day: 44.37 mpg (US)
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Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
Update, update update.

It is ALIVE!!!!

Initially I tried to mount this little guy to one of the climate control vents so that I could secure him to the dash without drilling holes in the dash... I figured I could make a bracket that would screw into the roof of one of those vents and then snake around to the top of the dash. It was rather frustrating taking this whole assembly out only to put it right back in.

yikes! Luckily my girlfriends father saved me from my stupidity and advised me to just stick him onto the dash with mounting tape. I am studying engineering in school, and since engineers are really gifted with making things complicated I guess I am well on my way!

The install took me longer than I thought, but it went smoothly. Overall I got most of my install info from this page:

To find the VSS sensor wire on my ecu I used this page:1996 - 1998 Honda Civic ECU Diagram as referred by the previous link. As far as I can tell, it works great.

I also used the release one page to get my fuel injector hooked up. The only difference for me was that both of the wires to my injector were both reading 12v, so I had to unplug it and then one of them went to zero. Perfect.

I searched the intar webs for the most common place to find constant 12 volts in the cabin in my particular car. I decided to hook up to a white wire coming out of the fuse box under the drivers dash. This wire has 0v when unplugged from the fuse box while the car is turned off... and 12v when it is plugged in while its still off. Im pretty sure this means I get constant 12v and this wire also goes through the appropriate fuse(s) so I won't blow anything up.

I grounded to the chassis right next to my compy. Since the other wires were there already.

Aaaanyways. Here are some pictures I just took. What you have been waiting for!

I am pretty pleased with how it all turned out, except for the wire insulator deal I used... it looks better than four naked wires but it still looks like it belongs on a robot. haha. Any ideas on how I can cover up those wires more discreetly?

The MPGuino fit nicely into the case I got with the addition of a small spacer thing I made out of balsa wood. I mounted the case to that metal bracket with velcro tape so I can remove it easily. The metal bracket is on the dash via mounting tape. Noice.

I drove around the neighborhood like a little school girl, I was soo excited. It seems like it works pretty well.

Here are the setup screens I went through and what I set things to.

1. Contrast (55) default I think

2. VSS pulses / mile - I read that asian cars will be most likely a multiple of 8204... so I just set it to 8204 for now.

3. micro sec/gallon ... I dunno what this is all about. I don't remember if I changed it or what but right now it is set to 500,000,000

4. pulses/2 revs ... same story as #3... its now set to 3.

5. timeout (ms) This confuses me.. I read up on it and so I decided to set this to 300,000,000 cause google tells me that is equivalent to 5 minutes. But this thing doesnt shut off. lol. Will the screen always stay on?

6. Tank Gal * 1000 - I think I will mess with this later. Right now its 10,300

7. Inj DelayuS - same story as #3, right now its at 500

8. weight - 2200

9. Scratchpad (odo?) ... dunno what this is about. Set to 0.

10. USS delay ms .. same story as #3, set at 2.

11. Inj Trg 0-Dn 1-Up - wtf? Its at zero. Dont have a clue.

I am in the middle of a gas tank right now, so please help me out to get it ready to calibrate! And thank you DCB!
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