Originally Posted by LeanBurninating
Update, update update.
3. micro sec/gallon ... I dunno what this is all about. I don't remember if I changed it or what but right now it is set to 500,000,000
This is the second most important variable you need to calibrate after you've calibrated the speed (VSS Pulses/Mile). I would check the table here:
MPGuino - EcoModder
And find an engine and vehicle that is similar to yours in size. Use that value as a 'reasonable' starting point. This number tells you exactly what it says -- the number of microseconds that the MPGuino will measure for each gallon of fuel that is squirted into the intake manifold.
If either this or the VSS Pulses/Mile are not correct, your mileage will not be correct. The VSS Pulses/Mile is the easiest to calibrate first, as you can just drive 10-20 miles or so and get a rough, but decent, calibration on this one.
Originally Posted by LeanBurninating
4. pulses/2 revs ... same story as #3... its now set to 3.
I don't think this one is being used by the software currently.
Originally Posted by LeanBurninating
5. timeout (ms) This confuses me.. I read up on it and so I decided to set this to 300,000,000 cause google tells me that is equivalent to 5 minutes. But this thing doesnt shut off. lol. Will the screen always stay on?
With the released software, the screen will always stay on. Only the backlight will turn off after your timeout in us. The default is 420000000, which should be 7 minutes.