Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
EDIT: dcb, do you mean tested in the car?
Well, I didn't mean that, but ideally ya would. I was just thinking of another atmega that actually generated voltages for throttle/current/etc adc pins and looked at the output (pwm and maybe uart). Maybe it's overkill, I dunno. The development cycle here isn't clear to me either though, and people making changes ideally would have some way of testing those changes as well as checking for unintended side effects.
But since you are using avrstudio, maybe we should try and standardize on that for now and play with the stimulus and log files a bit anyway. So that if you have "refactored" the code, the resulting log file should look pretty much identical before and after the code changes given the same stimulus file.
So are any potential developers allergic to avrstudio?