Welcome to the site!
I too came from the performance arena of automobiles. It taught me a lot about engines and how they work. The more I learned, the more I found that an overabundance of power is absolutely useless 99% or more of the time, and that I was modifying my car to increase the 1% of time I spent having fun. Meanwhile, in the 95% of time I spent just driving, I was loosing effeciency and money, polluting more, and compromising national security. Then, tack on a 75 mile round trip to the new job I got. So, I added up the numbers and now I'm on this boat. It feels better and I know I'm doing the right thing for everyone, not just me. Don't get me wrong, I still love racing and high powered vehicles. I just think there is a time and place for them, and its not with your daily commuter.