Originally Posted by dcb
Well, the answer is (IMHO) that the developers need to have at their disposal a complimentary bit of hardware. With the guino I use another atmega168 that generates signals, and validate the on screen displays.
For this project maybe it makes sense to do something similiar, have an atmega that simulates current,throttle,temp,overcurrent signals and monitors the pwm output (and possibly the uart output) to ensure that it still looks right.
That's a really good idea. I've never heard of such a thing. How do you simulate continuously varying signals like throttle, current, and temperature using an ATMega? Does the ATMega168 have D/A converters? I would love something like that. What an awesome idea. You could run a program that tests everything, and then check the output! Why didn't I think of that!? I'd be happy to help with that.