A little mishap today.
I parked my car in the sun, not thinking, and left the guino on the dash. It got pretty hot today. Around 2pm I went out to get something outta my car, I noticed the green lcd screen was colored blue and the case was hot to the touch, too hot to hold in my hands. The velcro tape adhesive turned to goo.
I pulled it off the dash and let it hang down under the steering column in the shade.
Later this evening it worked great, no problems that I could tell. Except on my drive home I pressed the center button to toggle through the brightness, the first time I pressed it, going from brightness "3" to "0" the thing just froze. I unplugged it after a minute and plugged it right back in, while I was driving, drove another 60 miles and it seems to be just fine.
I had been toggling through the different screens and stuff since it cooked earlier today and it seems like its working fine.
What are the chances I screwed something up? And would I know it by now?
On a different note, using 8204 for the vss pulses per mile seems to be dead on. First try! I will wait till I get more than 100 miles in to really calibrate it though. The miles seem perfect although the vehicle speed displayed on the guino shows a couple mph less than whats on the dash... is this normal?
Thanks people.