Originally Posted by Bicycle Bob
On your car, I believe that the rear tires project beyond the lower edges of the fender, na? Depending on the suspension softness, etc, I'd start to define my new shape by taping blocks about 2cm thick on to the tire, and bending splines smoothy over them to where they meet the body. I'd use a gentle curve, probably going at least 10 cm past the wheel opening in all directions, and much farther near the lower edge. Starting from the bottom, you can work up and make a shape that takes a smooth vertical spline. Where the edge of the skirt meets ridges on the body, you can either use a jagged (coped) edge, or blend the shapes. You want to get a nice-looking edge shape overall by varying the curve in the splines somewhat as you go up.
That sounds a LOT more complicated then i want to do. I am thinking i'll build up from around the existing edge (there is about a 1 inch ledge around the wheel that is flat) and build it up enough that it clears everything, probably around 2 inches. That transition can be fairly subtle. I was planning on the main part of it being flat, and parallel to the existing ledge. The 3d sculpting your talking about I think would be too much for my engineer brain to do properly. Keep in mind i'm a computer geek. I have the fine motor control of a spastic 2 year old.
EDIT: Wait.. i re-read that, and i know what your going for. It'd be fairly sexy, and not nearly as much art as i thought it was. :P