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Old 05-28-2009, 07:45 PM   #24 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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Here in the UK ive heard adverts for many manufacturers mentioning the scrappage scheme. Some offer more than others.. (Fiat £2000, Ford up to £4500, Skoda up to £4500, etc)

In my mind though, its just a government ploy to get people to borrow money, with the side effect of then having more people driving lower pollution cars.

Has anybody else noticed though, that this offer is only on CARS.... Why not on motorbikes and scooters too? It would get more people onto two wheels, create less traffic in cities, more efficient.. (1 person on a motorbike or 1 person in a car? Which takes up more room, which is better on fuel, which doesn't get stuck in traffic as much) Really bugs me that governments are going on about everybody needing more fuel efficient cars, when so many people could get away with using a motorbike/scooter and only having a car as a second vehicle.

/rant... Sorry.
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