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Old 05-29-2009, 05:03 PM   #31 (permalink)
Tire Geek
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Originally Posted by Eddles View Post
Okay, let's look at my manual here. Feast your eyes on the unladen front tire pressures for the Y17DT engine on the leftmost column. It is all 35 PSI no matter what tire is used. The 61 PSI tire is just the "space saver" spare. Now look at Y17DT (ECO4). Now it says 41 PSI. Tell me why can't a Y17DT owner inflate his/her tire to 41 PSI? It's the exact same car. Also note the pressures for the ECO4 rear tires when fully loaded? It says 49 PSI. If it's really unsafe for me to run my tires at 49 PSI, why would a manufacturer of the 2nd most common car in the UK that weights only 2,500 lbs recommend this?
Now, now, you have to tell the whole story!! Notice also that the 2 tires listed for the ECO4 are completely different in tire size than the others listed. Why is that?

Obviously this is a different model and the tire sizing / pressure issue is only part of the story.

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