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Old 05-29-2009, 07:13 PM   #1486 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JayC View Post
A preview of the job. I need to get the thickness of the 4oz board and know to what depth to etch to remove the copper but it's easy to change those and recalculate. And this is done using Vectric Cut2D

OK, now you're just showing off! That looks real! How in the heck did you DO that? Well, it's actually 3 ounce copper on each side. The total thickness of the pcb (including both copper layers) is 1.6mm. Each copper layer is 0.11 mm thick. So, the FR-4 fiberglass material is about 1.38 mm thick. The cutting depth needs to be such that the cut width is about 0.1". Somewhere in that ball park. I was never able to get a definitive cutting depth. Too much variation in my case. I would find the right depth by trial and error each time, looking at how wide the etched path was that I just cut. I would start sort of shallow, and increase until it seemed about right. Sorry about the unscientific approach. .

Here's the bit I was using:

It was 7/32" wide, but I didn't go all the way down.
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