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Old 05-30-2009, 09:13 PM   #13 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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24 mpg!


24 mpg equals my best run ever with my lid. Not bad fuel efficiency for a full size V8 motor. Nice job on installing the snugtop brackets. There should be plenty of structure in the fiberglass in that area for you. I don't blame you for wanting to go to a single lock with latching mechanisms. Prototypically the cylinder latches suffice, but for user friendlyness they are a pain.

I built some bed covers a few years back using the snugtop type set up. I have some rotary latches left over I can send you, no charge, if you would like to try them. If the snug top system does not work, I could send you a drawing of how I used a single centrally mounted cylinder latch attached to two aircraft cables that actuated the rotary latches to release and then open the lid. It is fairly simple and I feel you are crafty enough to install it. I am now going to use such a system in production, definitely.

Thanks again for figuring out how to fold the fabric sides up before closing the lid. I looked at those for over two years and never saw that solution. It works great! I have learned long ago you will learn more working with others than you can fugure out working by yourself.


Last edited by bondo; 05-30-2009 at 10:53 PM..
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