when you get pulled over by a cop - not because you broke any law, but because he thinks the only reason someone would drive that slow is intoxication
when you get agitated by non-timed lights - not cause your in a rush, but because of the wasted momentum
when you get out and push your 5500lb truck because there is a slight downgrade just a few feet further forward
when you can tell the wind direction by how fast you coast down a familiar road
when you spend so much on mods that it'll take a year to make it back in fuel savings
when you take the back road, doubling your trip time, because you can drive slower
when people pull into the left lane a quarter mile behind you on the highway because everyone recognizes you and knows you're only going 50 long before they catch up to you
when you miscalculate a coast to a red light and don't make it to the metal detector, you look behind you and there are no cars in sight, so you get out and walk to the corner to press the pedestrian button rather than turn on the engine to go a few feet
when you think of your engine as just something to occasionally give your coast-mobile a little push
Originally Posted by Piwoslaw
A few months ago I returned home just as my neighbor pulled into his driveway. It was cold (around freezing) with some rain and sleet, and he yells to me: You rode your bike? In this weather?!?
So the other day we both returned home at the same time again, only now the weather is warm, sunny, with no wind. And I yell to him: You took the car? In this weather?!?
Last edited by JacobAziza; 06-03-2009 at 08:36 PM..