Originally Posted by Coyote X
Adding a turbo to a car and not changing gearing or going to a smaller motor is not going to help anything but acceleration really. Kind of a similar problem of doing aero mods and not changing gearing. The engine load decreases but the rpms are high enough you are still using a lot more gas than you really need to.
I guess i'm looking at this from the point of my mostly street level commute, where I don't have a problem with high revs, but I would like more torque at low revs. My D16 tq curve has a very steep climb between 1800 and 2500 where it reaches a tq plateau, so in order to stay producing high tq values, I have to shift at 3000. I'm at 2000 at 45mph in 5th, which makes for slow response on pulses.
if a LPT can shift that plateau to where I'm reaching near max tq at 2000, acceleration would benefit greatly, and I can shift at 2500 to stay in the torque band.
On the short highway portion of my commute, I'd love a 6th gear, I'm at 3000+ doing 60-70. Aero would give a huge benefit here.
I agree with the aero + gearing idea, but all most of us can do is the aero