If Oprah dressed in a Bikini.
That failure mode would be impossible to happen, since there does not exist a bikini that Oprah could fit into. Thankfully, we don't need to test that... If it were to happen, it would represent a catastrophic failure of my eyesight.
Connects B+ and B- in reverse.
I've done this! It's bad! hahaha! It makes a basically short circuit because the mosfets act as a diode from drain to source (which is now + to -! aahhh!!!)
If you were to close the main contactor with B+ and B- reversed, almost instantly the mosfets' legs would blow off! Don't do that! Hmm... Would there be an easy way to prevent that? Maybe a big dang diode somehow? I don't know. Maybe NiHaoMike is right in that case?