I am a case study in Rivest, Shamir & Adleman too! (hehe. P.G.P.)
There are a couple problems with the current control boards that were just ordered, and that are undergoing testing. First, switch Pin 2 and Pin 3 of the LM 393. Next, the holes for Q1, Q2, Q3, U10, J2, J3, J4 are too small after the PCB company added the tinning layer. The gerber files will all be fixed soon, so anyone wanting to build their own based on the currently available gerber files may not want to send those in just yet.
I need to convert the most recent schematic to the program that I have, which is ExpressSCH. Then I'll update the changes for Pin 2 and Pin 3 of the LM393 comparator. Also, C23 and C24 should be 20pF instead of 15pF. Also, I'm going to try 20 Ohm gate resistors (0.25 watt, metal film, 1%) instead of 30 Ohm. 30 Ohm is unnecessarily large.
P/N for crystal:
FOXLF160-20 from Mouser.com
P/N for C23 and C24:
140-50N2-200J-RC from Mouser.com
Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 06-07-2009 at 11:35 PM..