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Old 06-07-2009, 11:11 PM   #10 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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MM. . .

I am doubting its one of the sensors. If it were a sensor it would lag on the front end as well(under acceleration). But I don't think there was any mention of that.

It could just be that the spring for the throttle body is worn out. A quick fix would be to either grease or WD-40 the spring and the hinges for the throttle body. If you want to find out if this is the problem(you are going to have to pop open the hood to look around anyway. . .) just open up your intake tract until you get to the throttle body. Pull back the gas with the clutch in while someone else watches. The plate should snap back shut immediately after you release the gas meanwhile the rpms should cycle downwards rather quickly.

I predict what you will see is the throttle plate slowly drawing backwards. If I also had to guess I would say your engine doesn't quite shut off the GO when you let off the gas, but this might e masked under normal driving by the fact you are applying the brakes and not really paying attention to the revs then. less effective braking would be another sign of this(quick shift from accel to brake and its still throttle open acceling, while you try and brake).
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