The oil pan is a bit lower than the lowest lip of the bumper. (I have a skid plate I made for the car out of some thick stainless steel, but I didn't put it on for this trip :/ ) Parts of the undercarriage are too. It's hard to get a good picture right now as the driveway I'm using is gravel and woodchip, but I'll try to get some good pics detailing the underside tomorrow.
And hmm, yeah, a chin spoiler/air dam/whatnot would alleviate some of the clearance issues I was worrying about, but still give some effect. I do hesitate to do anything along those lines, though, without having an MPG gauge to see if what I'm trying helps or hurts. I would also like to get some lower spoilers just in front of the front tires to shove the air off to the outside of the car.
I'm not really sure what you mean by angling the upper block back to the headlights. I can post a pic without the cardboard on at all if you want to sketch something quick and easy in Paint, if you wish. I'm interested in what you mean.
I have tire pressure at max sidewall of 44 psi, and am experiencing a bit of uneven wear (center of front tires wearing out faster than edges, characteristic, I believe, of too much pressure for the application).
The foam gasket is a good idea, I'm planning on getting that for the front and side gaps of the hood. I'm also going to get some clear caulk and seal up the gaps between the bottoms of the headlights and the bumper.
I'm going to do tuft testing as soon as we get a rain-free day to do so (there's a stationary front stalled over us)
Last edited by Istas; 06-08-2009 at 02:46 AM..