Originally Posted by m.portice
So I get out of class earlier and drive home, which is about 3 miles down the road, and I pull into the driveway. I get out of the car and notice some drips behind my car, and I knew I didn't hit anything or go thru a puddle. So I check out the front of the car and a puddle is forming on the driveway. I pop the hood and my engine coolant container is all wet with engine coolant. I press on the plastic cap to the coolant reservoir and coolant comes out, meaning it is way too full, and I know there wasn't that much coolant in it to just spew out of the top.
The Radiator cap is hot and the line from the reservoir to the radiator feels empty when I pinch it.
P.S. The car is a 1981 Chevy Citation.
Any ideas?
81 citation. holy cow.
if its a carb v6, it may be burping to the season change. A wiff like alcohol after opening cap means it is s simple separation. The four cyl carb could do the same..
that is the optimistic thought. wrap the thermostat line to be sure..