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Old 06-11-2009, 03:26 PM   #11 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Illinois
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I used to use both AC and the heat in my car; I think the combination of heater use, city driving, non-hypermiling, and winter weather was why my first tank was approximately 14.3 mpg. I took a vow in late May never to use the AC again in my car, and so far, so good. In my apartment, I bought a box fan, and plan to use that instead of AC throughout the summer. It's all part of a bigger plan to try to avoid spending money on things I can live without. So far in my apt, the temp has gotten up to 83, but I've been fine with my fan. A few weeks ago, I got my lowest ever gas bill (heating and AC is gas) of $27. I hope to drop below $20 by the time the next bill comes in!

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