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Old 06-12-2009, 10:22 AM   #14 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Location: Cookeville, TN
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The AC is actually a huge draw.

An AC consumes about as much power as a turbo(they are pretty much the same device just one is geared at very low PSI output and high flow and the other is low flow high PSI), but without any of the benefits of a turbo.

The difference between AC on/off/disconnected is usually 0mpg/+3-4mpg/+4-5 mpg. If you entirely remove the AC in your car alot of times the AC cooling fins are blocking air flow into the engine bay and creating heat for the radiator to have to work harder.

I yanked mine and my temps never even get to 200 anymore even sitting still in traffic on a scorcher. Mine was the exact same size as my radiator though. . . and taking the fins compressor and lines out made everything much easier to work on the engine. The AC fins were in front of the engine so I've got a good foot of space between it and the front bumper.

On a side note. . .I'm looking at building an absorption refrigerator. . .if I ever get time ^_^
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